Friday, May 19, 2017

Musings at sea, May 16, 2017

At Sea, May 16, 2017


Seven days at sea is a long time. This group of passengers is well-traveled so have easily adjusted to the two extra days. The newbies are a bit antsy.

Even though the Prinsendam is small it still has the usual roster of activities, exercise classes, ping pong and shuffleboard, bridge, Mah Jongg, movies, Casino tournaments, trivia contests and, of course, Bingo. The three lecturers have each given at least half a dozen presentations and the "Digital Host" teaches three or four classes a day on computery stuff. Jim has read six or so books so far, including a couple off the Tuscany reading list. I read the intros to those and then busied myself working my way through the Mary Higgins Clark oeuvre in the library. I figure I'll have time in the Amsterdam airport and then on the flight to Rome to skim the highlights of the Italian stuff. Old academic habits die hard.

Ship's Time
We had a lovely chat with our favorite waitress in the Crow's Nest about Ship's Time. As she explained it, Ship's Time is whatever the Captain says it is. And the clocks are changed whenever he says they are. When traveling eastbound, to allow the crew a full night's rest, we've moved the clocks ahead at 2 pm. Makes no never mind to the passengers. Going westbound the clocks fall back at 2 am so everyone gets an extra hour of sleep. There is a five hour difference between Bermuda and Western Europe, seven days travel time. He explained that he is also trying to keep sunrise and sunset at a "reasonable time." The crew loves his consideration of them and the passengers haven't missed 2-3 pm at all.

Why not fly?

One of my favorite questions to ask fellow passengers is, "Why didn't you fly to Europe?" The usual answer is, "I hate to fly and besides the fare for this crossing is cheaper than airfare." Many are also continuing on either on the Prinsendam or another ship for cruises around Norway and Great Britain and then up the Baltic. I met someone staying aboard until August! Also met a kid who just graduated from Georgia Tech traveling with his girlfriend until they fly home from Munich in July--a graduation present! He didn't have a job and didn't seem that concerned about finding one.

Which brings me to the thirty-somethings on board traveling with a parent while they are reassessing their options. Good grief! A rousing huzzah to all the grandchildren of James W Fisher who finished school and are gainfully employed.

That's Entertainment

The best show on the ship has been, hands down, The Uke Box, five Liverpool lads in their late 20s who have formed a Ukele Boy Band! As improbable as it sounds, they are trained musicians who absolutely brought the house down. They are also quite charming and adorable, catnip for all the grandmothers aboard who cannot resist telling them that they are charming and adorable. We've also enjoyed a very droll comedian who has Saturday Night Live on his list of credits, a trumpet "virtuoso", a very showy pianist and the ship's company of singers and dancers. These acts perform in the Showroom each night while a string trio, jazz quartet and piano man are playing each night in different bars and lounges. Something for everyone.

Siren song of Chantal

Ah, Chantal. She sits at the Future Cruise Desk conveniently located between the Showroom and Front Desk, pretty much the Main Street on board. She gives presentations most days about upcoming cruises, new itineraries not yet announced and waves a list of perks in front of you that are available only if you put that deposit down while on this cruise. (Cruise credits, free laundry, free Internet minutes, etc.) She printed out the itinerary for Jim for the World Cruise beginning in January of 2019 (the 2018 sold out within a month of announcement). I want to do the Singapore to Lisbon leg but not only has the cruise not been announced formally, the available segments have not either. Maybe when we're back on board in August. We were this close to booking the 68 day circumnavigation of South America beginning Jan 8th but we're going to be in California for a certain wedding March 3. A rare chance to see all of the Holdman Group in one spot. Wouldn't miss it!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! That's quite a trip on board!! What's Jim's record for the number of books read on 1 trip??
