Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Palmer Station, 1/20/16

While we slept, a dozen of the 42 scientists and support staff came aboard from Palmer Station, one of the three US scientific camps in Antarctica. Weather permitting they visit all the Hooland America ships passing by. The station manager, a Lockheed Martin employee from Littleton, CO, narrated a presentation about the various camps. Then he was joined by the others, a couple of university scientists, the sous chef, the head mechanic, the trash man (he had a much fancier job description) and some others. They answered many questions from the audience ranging from science to what food do you miss. They will have lunch on board, probably a very nice lunch featuring everything they mentioned (papaya, sushi, IPA, fresh vegetables).

The ship tried once again to go up that channel we attempted yesterday and once again had to turn back and head to Palmer Station where our visitors will get off and return to their real work. It's a grey day which makes the snow seem that much brighter and whiter, but the waters are protected and very calm so their transfer from ship to shore should be easy.

1 comment:

  1. I knew it would be cold, but not THAT cold! Stay warm, and continue enjoying those nightly visits to the Crow's Nest.
