Saturday, June 16, 2012

What's the Catch, 22?

Cruising up the Yangzi

I grabbed two twenties and one ten, folded them and put them in my pocket then trotted
down to the front desk to exchange them for yuan. Chickie behind the counter informed
me that it was not good money and she couldn't exchange it. I'm sure this would be
a surprise to the Wells Fargo on Barrett Parkway. Turns out that "not good money"
means the appearance: the bills have to be new, crisp and unwrinkled. The Chinese
money I might have received in return I guarantee will be old and tattered beyond belief.
I explained to the girl that I was now going to tip the staff in "not good money" and they
could all pound sand. I also opted NOT to go to the pearl shop. Like Julia Roberts'
character in Pretty Woman said to the clerk who snubbed her, "Big mistake. Big, big

We're now headed to Chongqing, the largest city in the world with a population of 32
million. Or is it 32 million!?!! Besides having the population of Canada within it's city
limits, Chongqing is noted for it's extreme heat, lack of bicycles because the streets are
so steep and horrendous air pollution. According to our itinerary, we will step off the ship
after breakfast and head straight to the airport for our flight to Xian.

There is now a typhoon approaching Taiwan. No word yet if it will get to Shang Hai, our
final stop in China. About the weather in China. We have been here over a week and
have seen the sun just once on the morning we left Beijing. The country seems to be
constantly cloaked w/ mist, fog or pollution. It was fairly pleasant in Beijing; hot but not
terribly humid. No surprise that the humidity is with us on the river. It should be 90-ish in
Shang Hai. All hail air conditioning.

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